Resources > STEMworks Service Learning

Hands-on, project-based, service-learning

STEMworks™ teachers learn how to be a facilitator encouraging student self-directed learning. Curriculum focuses on developing students' critical thinking, collaboration and responsibility to a team through application of the engineering design process to solve problems. Students can utilize the STEMworks™ EDP Service Learning Toolkit.

Section 1: Introduction

  • The STEM in STEMworks™

  • The WORKS in STEMworks™

  • Service learning as project based learning

  • Teachers as advisors

  • Equity and cultural understanding and responsiveness

  • Instructional design

Section 2: STEM Module

  • Module overview

  • Module at a glance

  • STEM pre and post Assessment

  • Lesson 1: Science: Introduction to science inquiry

  • Lesson 2: Technology: Introduction to hardware and software technologies

  • Lesson 3: Engineering: Introduction to the engineering design process

  • Lesson 4: Mathematics: Using mathematics analysis skills in solving design challenges

Section 3: Service-Learning Module

  • Module at a overview

  • Module at a glance

  • Service-Learning pre and post assessment

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to service-learning and reflection

  • Lesson 2: Assessment of community needs

  • Lesson 3: Cultural understanding and response

  • Lesson 4: Equity

For more information on STEMworks™ STEM Service-Learning Curriculum, please contact us.          

My partner and I worked on an engineering project – portable homes for the homeless.
— Lokelani, Grade 6